Saturday, November 20, 2004

Online Resource - RDN

About the RDN

What is the RDN? | Organisation | Services | History | Accessibility statement | Privacy Policy | Mailing list | Contact us

What is the RDN?

The Resource Discovery Network is the UK’s free national gateway to Internet resources for the learning, teaching and research community. The service currently links to more than 80,000 resources via a series of subject-based information gateways (or hubs). The RDN is primarily aimed at Internet users in UK further and higher education but is freely available to all.

In contrast to search engines, the RDN gathers resources which are carefully selected by subject specialists in our partner institutions. You can search and browse through the resources, and be confident that your results will connect you to Web sites relevant to learning, teaching and research in your subject area.

The RDN is a collaboration of over seventy educational and research organisations, including the Natural History Museum and the British Library, and builds upon the foundations of the subject gateway activity carried out under the JISC's (Joint Information Systems Committee) eLib Programme.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Organization - The National Center for Online Learning Research (NCOLR)

National Center for Online Learning Research

The National Center for Online Learning Research (NCOLR) is a consortium of partners focusing on the research and development of best practices in online education, particularly higher education. NCOLR is most directly concerned with the delivery of improvement of online education coursework over the Internet, and determining what practices may be involved in making online learning more effective for students.

In December 2000, the Web-Based Education Commission completed and submitted their report titled, "The Power of the Internet for Learning: Moving from Promise to Practice" to the President, to Congress, and to the nation. The commission noted that the Internet "is making it possible for more individuals than ever to access knowledge and to learn in new and different ways." They also observed that the Internet "is allowing for the creation of learning communities that defy the constraints of time and distance". Their investigation resulted in a number of recommendations that represent a call to action on the part of educators and others to work together to realize the full potential of the Internet as an effective tool for learning.

To meet this need NCOLR is pioneering the development of new online learning environments based on learning theories that go beyond direct instruction and presentation of information. These new Interactive Learning Environments (ILE) are being incorporated into course builder technology and tested at the Idaho Virtual Campus through University of Idaho and the the Alabama Virtual Campus through the University of Alabama.

Database - Australian Digital Theses Program

Australian Digital Theses Program
ADT Homepage

Information on this website is copyright. Apart from fair dealing as permitted under the copyright law of your country, no material may be copied or further disseminated without the written permission of the legal holder of that copyright Council of Australian University Librarians.
Authors own the copyright of the theses and the relevant institutions should be contacted for special permissions.
Copyright © Council of Australian University Librarians

The aim of the ADT project is to create a national collaborative distributed database of digitised theses produced at Australian Universities. The ADT database provides access to PhD and Masters by Research theses only.

Database - Theses and Dissertations

AAU Logo

Association of African Universities

Database of African Theses and Dissertations


Main DATAD HomePage
Welcome to the Database of African Theses and Dissertations Login Page....
The DATAD database contains citations and abstracts for theses and dissertations completed in African universities. The launching database includes works from all subject areas in ten leading universities and include abstracts written by the authors.

In order to search, you must register and then login before you will be able to access brief citations in the DATAD database. To search the entire database you will need to subscribe or connect from a subscribing institution.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Organization - Learning Lab Denmark

Established by the Danish Government in 2001, Learning Lab Denmark is a laboratory for research on learning affiliated to the Danish University of Education. We aim to solve current societal problems related to learning through practice-oriented research and development activities. We do this together with dedicated partners from different sectors of society, and we place communication at the centre of everything we do. Read more

Friday, October 01, 2004

Organization - Center for Online Learning and Pedagogy

The Interactive Exploration of Pedagogical Concepts and Theories presents an overview of learning theories, theorists, and concepts. Designed on constructivist principles, it allows you to explore your own theoretical and practical interests, and perhaps discover some new ones. For an introduction, we suggest you begin in the Pedagogy Section.
Online Application: Case Studies from the Virtual College™ details NYU's online educational environment.
Examples from older and newer courses illustrate how the Virtual College™ has increasingly applied educational theory to online instruction.
You can learn a lot about online education here at The Center for Online Learning and Pedagogy. Our resources area provides screened and annotated links to tutorials, mail lists, online magazines, and other web resources pertinent to online instruction. We also include a bibliography of relevant books; topics include instructional design, distance education, learning theory and learning styles. In addition, you will find sample courses and syllabi, graphics and other resources specifically designed for education.
Familiarize yourself with the workings of an online learning community and experience our online teaching environment.
In our Community of Educators you can:
Experience the Virtual College™ online learning environment
View sample courses
Read and post to message boards on topics about online education

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Community - Education with New Technologies

Registered members pick up your Backpack.
Learning Center: Online learning opportunities
Workshop: on-line tools.
Welcome Center: Information on what's going on here.
Town Hall: on-line discussions.
Gallery: Examples of ENT in practice.
Library: Collection of resources.
News Kiosk: Recent ENT News

Project - SOLE


SOLE is a project to undertake an independent evaluation of students' usage of virtual learning environments (VLEs) in higher and further education and draw out the effectiveness of VLEs in supporting different subject areas, different national agendas (such as that of widening participation) and student learning in general.

Research is being carried out at several UK universities and FE colleges, covering a broad range of subjects with diverse online learning requirements. The collaborating LTSN subject centres involved as research partners are: Economics, Psychology, Education, Information and Computer Sciences, Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism. A wide range of dissemination and outreach activities are taking place throughout the life of the project (October 2002 - August 2004). A short report giving an overview of the study is also available.

SOLE is funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) via the Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) Tranche 2 initiative and the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). It is hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol.

VLE - Constructivist Virtual Learning Environments

Constructivist Virtual Learning Environments

Constructivist learning environments have particular characteristics regardless of students or content. However, when selecting tools to help support virtual learning environments (VLE's) in normal course-based learning situations, the three elements of student demographics, course requirements, and VLE characteristics all impact the decision.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

E-Learning Workshops - Oxford Brookes

e-Learning courses on demand

This year the workshops on e-learning topics will be run on demand when there is sufficient interest. Workshops will normally be run by Rhona Sharpe or Greg Benfield.

These workshops are designed for all those using e-learning in education and training including teachers, lecturers, trainers, part-time tutors, learning technologists and learner support staff.

  • If you would like to attend a workshop between January and April 2005, please register your interest by 10 December 2004
  • If you would like to attend a workshop between May and July 2005, please register your interest by 25 March 2005

Please register your interest in these workshops and express your preference for timing and location with our online interest registration form.

You will be contacted shortly after these cut off dates to make the final arrangements

Understanding e-learning and e-learners

This workshop is not just an introduction to e-learning, but also an opportunity to revisit our personal and shared understandings of what e-learning is and what it means to tutors and learners. The workshop will encourage you to articulate your aims and claims for using technologies in your teaching. Using examples from across the globe, we’ll consider how online learning challenges our design of courses and our assumptions about how best to teach them. We’ll draw on the experiences of learners and tutors to discuss how technologies can be used to enable different types of learning, how e-learning changes the roles of tutors and students and best practice in preparing learners for online courses.

Designing engaging online activities

The key to enhancing teaching and learning online is making use of the enormous potential for interactivity and engagement, whether that’s with the material, the tutor or peers. This workshop considers how best to exploit this potential through well-designed e-learning activities. This is likely to include discussions of how going online influences the design of learning activities and how skills in running face-to-face learning activities transfer to the online course. Online activities do need to be carefully structured and explicit about what is expected and there will be opportunity to consider a variety of activities designed to support various learning tasks such as critical dialogue, collaboration, creative writing, and reflection. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss, explore and design a range of different learning activities to meet specified learning outcomes.

Promoting discussions in online groups

One of the most-cited reasons for using online learning is to promote group interactions, but the experience is too often one of poor participation and low level discussion. This workshop will seek to improve the planning and tutoring of structured online learning activities, through a better understanding of the nature of online interactions. The session will apply recent theoretical developments to promote online communication and collaboration as well as providing practical solutions to practical problems. This is likely to include discussions of software tools to promote group learning, using dialogue to build learning communities, tutor skills for knowledge construction, and assessment of online work.

Online assessment, feedback and tracking

Objective tests are often regarded as inferior to other forms of assessment. They are also, rightly, regarded as difficult to write well. Lately, however, the ready availability of online testing tools in Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) has prompted many lecturers to ask how they can use objective tests to improve student learning. This workshop will look at the benefits and disadvantages of objective testing. Using case studies we will try to identify sound educational purposes for this type of assessment. It will pose and attempt to answer the question, ‘can you test higher order thinking skills using multiple choice questoins?’ Finally, the session will explore some very practical issues:

  • How to write objective test items
  • How to design and embed feedback into objective test items to support student learning
  • How to score them.

We will also look at two important and often overlooked aspects of multiple choice question design: ways of analysing and improving test items, and issues in constructing whole assessments (as opposed to the individual items within them).

Supporting e-learners at a distance

This workshop is designed for lecturers and tutors whose responsibilities now include supporting students who are learning at a distance. The challenge for distance tutors is to create supportive learning environments without the rich verbal and visual cues we usually use in face-to-face teaching. We’ll start by considering how the introduction of distance changes the learning experience for students and tutors and clarify the roles and responsibilities of distance learning tutors. Then we will explore what skills distance tutors and students need to succeed in their roles. The session should give you an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with other distance learning tutors and develop strategies for dealing with issues specific to distance learning.

Evaluating e-learning innovations

Although the uptake of e-learning and particularly of VLEs has been rapid within education, there are still many questions about how learners interact with them, what the student experience is like and fundamentally – what works? Although this workshop won’t attempt to answer the latter question, it will provide participants with a toolkit of evaluation approaches and techniques which they can use to evaluate their own e-learning innovations. Participants will consider the functions and purposes of their evaluations, be encouraged to specify clear research questions, choose from a variety of approaches to evaluation and consider the appropriateness of a range of data collection methods. Participants should leave with a plan for evaluating their innovations which is valid, rigorous, locally appropriate and achievable.

Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, Oxford Brookes University
Wheatley Campus, Wheatley, Oxford, OX33 1HX
Tel: +44 1865 485910 Fax: +44 1865 485937 Email:

© Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development.
This page maintained by Elizabeth Smith and last modified Mon 9 February, 2004 10:57

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Report - Ferl (Becta) "ICT and e-learning in Further Education"

ICT and e-learning in Further Education: embedded technology, evolving practice


This is the full report of the 2004 ILT Survey. This study was carried out in January and February 2004 on behalf of the Learning and Skills Council. The survey seeks to assess progress in the provision of information and learning technology within the sector along with the extent to which this provision is integrated into the teaching and learning process. Four previous studies, undertaken in February 1999, September 2000, September 2001 and February 2003 provide comparative data to judge the impact of the deployment NLN monies for the development of ICT infrastructure and e-learning in the sector.

View or download

Microsoft Word ICT and e-learning in Further Education: embedded technology, evolving practice
[left click link above to view OR right click to download]
Microsoft Word

Download instructions

  1. Right-click (Mac users click-and-hold) on the link.
  2. Choose 'Save Target As...', 'Save Link As..' or 'Download Link to Disk'.
  3. Choose a location to save the file; then click 'Save'.

Problems downloading and installing?

If you are having problems with this resource email us (

Related resources

See related resources under the 'Related resources tab'.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Academia - Dr Aisha Walker

Dr Aisha Walker

ICT in Education

Telephone: 0113 343 4633


I teach on the MA ICT in Education . I am also involved in course development using virtual learning environments and can provide input on other courses to develop appropriate pedagogies for teaching and learning with ICT. I am a member of the Institute of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education .

Research Interests

My main research interest is in the educational use of computer-mediated communication, especially synchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC). I am in interested in the strategies used by teachers and learners interacting in a CMC environment and how those strategies can be made more effective. I am also interested in the development of roles, relationships and groups in CMC educational contexts and the extent to which the CMC medium offers cognitive and affective benefits to teaching and learning.

As my background is in English Language Teaching - especially English for Academic Purposes - I am also interested in academic literacy and discourse, in particular the ways in which the teaching/learning of these skills may be supported through ICT.

Interaction, Communication and Learning Technologies

I co-ordinate the Interaction, Communication and Learning Technologies Group which brings together people with a common research interest in the interactions that occur between people and between people/computers when technology is used for learning and teaching. Details of our seminars can be found on the ICLT website .

Academia - José Miguel Baptista Nunes

Home | Contacts | Sitemap | Search the Web | Newspapers | Web Links

My name is José Miguel Baptista Nunes, and I am a Lecturer in Information Management in the Department of Information Studies at the University of Sheffield.

My current research is focused on the areas of Educational Informatics and Information Systems.

In recent years and in terms of Educational Informatics, I have been particularly interested in the WWW as a learning environment. I am primarily an information systems researcher and, therefore, I am interested in instructional systems design, web-based educational environments design, web based learning environments for active and distance learning, conceptual models for WWW educational environments, networked learning and computer-mediated communication.

In terms of of Information Systems, my main interests are information systems analysis and information and data modelling. Additionnally, I'm a keen observer of developments in computer-supported collaborative work environments, e-business ( including intranets and extranets) and teleworking. More broadly, I have a general interest in organisational behaviour and management of change.

For more information visit:

Friday, September 03, 2004

Academia - Tim Barker

Barker, T. (2003) Collaborative Learning with Affective Artificial Study Companions in a Virtual Learning Environment, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Computer Based Learning Unit, School of Education, The University of Leeds. (pdf, 12Mb, Note: active links in the Contents to appear ASAP, apologies.)
Abstract.This research has been carried out in conjunction with Chapeltown and Harehills Assisted Learning Computer School (CHALCS) and local schools. CHALCS is an ‘out-of-hours’ school in a deprived inner-city community where unemployment is high and many children are failing to meet their educational potential. As the name implies CHALCS provides students with access to computers to support their learning. CHALCS relies on many volunteer tutors and specialist tutors are in short supply. This is especially true for subjects such as Advanced Level Physics with low numbers of students. This research aimed to investigate the feasibility of providing online study-skills support to pupils at CHALCS and a local school. Research suggests that collaborative learning that prompts students to explain and justify their understanding can encourage deeper learning. As a potentially effective way of motivating deeper learning from hypertext course notes in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), this research investigates the feasibility of designing an artificial Agent capable of collaborating with the learner to jointly construct summary notes. Hypertext course notes covering a portion of the Advanced Level Physics curriculum were designed and uploaded into a WebCT based VLE. A specialist tutor validated the content of the course notes before the ease of use of the VLE was tested with target students. A study was then conducted to develop a model of the kinds of help students required in writing summary notes from the course-notes. Based on the derived process model of summarisation and an analysis of the content structure of the course notes, strategies for summarising the text were devised. An Animated Pedagogical Agent was designed incorporating these strategies. Two versions of the agent with opposing ‘Affectations’ (giving the appearance of different characters) were evaluated with users. It was therefore possible to test which artificial 'character' students preferred. From the evaluation study some conclusions are made concerning the effect of the two opposite characterisations on student perceptions of the agent and the degree to which it was helpful as a learning companion. Some recommendations for future work are then made.

SILA Beta 1.0 Screenshot. SILA Beta 1.0 Screenshot

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Academia - Dr. William G. (Bill) Huitt

Dr. William G. (Bill) HuittDept. of Psychology nd CounselingValdosta State UniversityValdosta, GA 31698-0001
Office: (229) 333-5613FAX: (229) 259-5576

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Resource -

This is a site which sells dissertations which have already been completed.

Academia - Agnes Kukulska-Hulme

Agnes Kukulska-Hulme
Senior Lecturer in Educational Technology

Research Current project: Case Studies in Mobile and Wireless Learning (May-November 2004), funded by JISC e-Learning and Pedagogies programme. Document about this project available from:
Other research areas:
Pedagogical usability and e-learning
Course materials delivered as e-books
Evaluation of digital video applications
Cross-cultural issues in online learning
Technology-supported language learning

[Photo of Agnes]

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Resource - The Curriculum Repository

The Curriculum Repository
Your Source for Curriculum Content and Materials

Use the Curriculum Repository to access teaching materials, such as presentations, labs, and exercises. As part of the worldwide academic community, you can freely use these materials as is or edit them to meet your educational objectives. (For more information about modifying materials, see the Curriculum Download and Usage License.) We’ll continue to add new material to the repository, and we encourage you to submit your curriculum content to share with other university faculty members.

Collaborations - Microsoft and MIT


Educational technology is a young giant, just waking up to its own immense possibilities. And now, iCampus is waking up the rest of the world, too.

Through a unique, $25 million alliance between two of the most creative forces on earth—MIT and Microsoft—iCampus is already transforming the classroom experience, overturning tired educational ideas and provoking faculty and students to acts of astonishing innovation. The revolution has just begun.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Academia - Martin Dougiamas

Home Page

Hi, I'm Martin Dougiamas.

My brainscan here contains links to all the main sections of this site.

Some of the more popular areas are my free software (especially Moodle and PhotoFrame) and my growing collection of photos. Relatives and friends are probably looking for photos of my kids: Tui and Tommy.

Another popular page is a paper on constructivism that I wrote a few years ago. My most recent paper is this one on creating Moodle.

I always like hearing from friends old and new, so feel free to get in touch.

Interesting papers available.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Whitepaper - Blended Learning

Blended Learning

Attention is now turning to the serious business of bringing rigour and structure to blending different methods of learning.

Some sceptics see blended learning as an old idea dressed up in new clothes. Others, who have a vested interest in defending traditional ways of doing things from the encroaching tide of online learning see it as 'a nice name for not changing very much' (Roger Schank).

However, blended learning is more than just a temporary stay of execution for the training departments. It represents a profound change of orientation for our whole concept of learning - moving us to a learner-centric approach that is sensitive to the real needs of both learners and the context in which learning takes place.

In this ground-breaking new 44-page white paper, Donald Clark, CEO of Epic Group plc, lays out a structure for achieving optimal blends, and identifies the components, criteria, models and tools to be used.

This is a model for corporate sector. Not much references included. This shows the scarcity of research on blended learning at HEI.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Specialist Diploma programme - e-Learning Instructional Designers

Singapore’s economy depends on a well-trained workforce. The Government has called upon industries and businesses to provide training for the workforce in order to remain competitive in the world market. Training of new staff and the re-training of existing staff in various industries will be important to companies to maintain competitiveness and to increase productivity.
For effective training, it is imperative that trainers be able to design and develop good training methodologies and materials, and to use multimedia technology to enhance the effectiveness of training. e-Learning is seen as an important vehicle to deliver many kinds of workplace training solutions, as well as to contribute to worker re-training efforts and lifelong-learning.
Additionally, e-learning by itself is an industry which has grown tremendously in the past couple years, and is forecast to further expand in the near future, both in Singapore and around the world. But with this industry expansion has come a sudden and increased demand for professionals who are capable of designing, developing, and managing e-learning systems focusing on adult learners.

To help meet this demand, NIE has created a Specialist Diploma programme to prepare professional e-Learning Instructional Designers.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Academia - Saul Carliner

About Saul Carliner:

"Saul Carliner is an internationally known expert on e-learning, information design, and technical communication.
As a consultant, he designs and develops e-learning programs, online guided tours, help systems, white papers, and similar content for use in business. He also advises managers on strategic issues in online learning and communication, evaluation metrics, and general management issues. He is probably best known for his popular seminars on online learning, information design, and the commerce of content. Clients include Berlitz, BellSouth, Georgia-Pacific, Guidant Corporation, IBM, Microsoft Corporation, ST Microelectronics, 3M, UPS, and several state and federal government agencies. He iss served on the advisory boards of, the Online Learning Conference, and Online Learning Magazine."

Monday, June 28, 2004

Becta publications

Becta publications: Browse publications

All Becta publications are free to order and available to UK residents only. Select one of links below for those relevant to you or browse to view all publications. If you have any queries about your order please telephone 02476 476885.

Some interesting resources available here.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Project - SENDA

VLE Project | Introduction:

"Return to SENDA? Implementing accessibility for disabled students in virtual learning environments in UK further and higher education"

This study, which combines an extensive literature and web review with a survey and interviews, reveals a widespread lack of accessibility in VLE materials. The inaccessible elements are both within the VLE software itself, and within the content the institutions put into the VLEs. This lack of accessibility is shown to have a number of origins, principal amongst them:

- a lack of awareness within FE and HE about the needs of disabled students
- a lack of user-centred design processes (on the part of VLE developers and education institutions)
- a lack of knowledge of web technologies on the part of VLE content authors
- a general ‘skills gap’ in the area of instructional design, and
- a lack of strategic leadership within institutions in tackling the overall issue of inclusive learning and teaching.

A series of recommendations for ways to tackle these and other causes of inaccessible learning provision is addressed to the principal VLE stakeholder groups.

Masters Project - Design guidelines for effective e-learning materials

Masters Project - Design guidelines for effective e-learning materials

This site constitutes the ‘industrial study and research’ project submission by Paul Burt for the final stage of the ‘Design for Digital Media’ masters degree at University of Portsmouth. The site — in the form of a knowledge base which includes an extensive literature and web review, a questionnaire-based survey, a report of findings and a set of design guidelines — is intended to act as a platform for the dissemination of the research undertaken.

The full project proposal is available using the ‘project’ menu but the abstract below is intended to give an overview of the project aims by defining its parameters, boundaries and by giving clarification of the author’s interpretation of the design headings applied.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Academia - David's Home Page

David's Home Page: "

Welcome to the home page for David Jones a senior lecturer in computing for the Faculty of Informatics and Communication at Central Queensland University. The site has the following major sections "

Articles available online.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Online Articles - ITALICS

Welcome to another edition of ITALICS! The site has been slightly altered to accommodate easier perusal of our wares with our "Quick Links" which eliminates (hopefully) any unecessary browsing to get what you want.

Our current issue and book reviews are now live and just a further reminder to check out our "Call For Papers" section if you're interested in submitting material for our next issue!

Many Thanks

Haven't thoroughly gone through the issues yet. That is why I did not link it to Literature Review.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Concepts - Actor Network Theory

What is Actor-Network Theory?

From Nancy Van House:

Actor-network theory (ANT) is concerned with the processes by which scientific disputes become closed, ideas accepted, tools and methods adopted - that is, with how decisions are made about what is known. These decisions are often - usually - temporary, but closing the black box, in Latour's terms, of disputes allows people to take the work of others as a resource and move on, rather than continually reproducing and questioning it. According to their model, the work of science consists of the enrollment and juxtaposition of heterogeneous elements - rats, test tubes, colleagues, journal articles, funders, grants, papers at scientific conferences, and so on - which need continual management. They conclude that scientists' work is "the simultaneous reconstruction of social contexts of which they form a part - labs simultaneously rebuild and link the social and natural contexts upon which they act."

More definitions are available.

Friday, May 28, 2004

Online Article - by n m c : projects : Learning Object Initiative

n m c : projects : Learning Object Initiative:

"This practitioner-focused monograph, authored by Rachel Smith and produced with sponsorship from McGraw-Hill, provides straightforward suggestions and tips for authors of learning objects.

Included topics are the range and types of learning objects, pedagogical and design considerations, as well as discussions of standards, metadata, interoperability, and reusability. "

Download the Guidelines for Authors of Learning Objects
(32 pages; 1.6 Mb)

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Online Course - WIDE World

Differentiating Instruction

During this two-week course, you'll work with a coach and other participants to learn how Multiple Intelligences Theory and the Teaching for Understanding framework can support your efforts to personalize instruction and plan activities so students learn by building on their strengths. When you complete this course, you will have the opportunity to join WIDE's online community where you can continue to explore and apply these instructional strategies with the support of a coach and other educators.

Course Instructor(s): TBA
Registration Deadline: June 29, 2004
Course Start Date: July 13, 2004

This is by Harvard. Interesting, should check out.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Project - MENU (Model for a European Networked University for e-learning)


"The MENU project sets out to create a model for a European Networked (Virtual) University, providing a variety of e-learning opportunities."

Public deliverables available including a few papers on pedagogical usability.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Community - UNITAR e-learning Community

UNITAR e-learning Community:

"Welcome to UNITAR e-Learning Community!

Assalamu Alaikum wrt wbt,

Dear ALL,
We hope that this e-learning community will facilitate open knowledge sharing, collaboration, and communication about e-learning in UNITAR and beyond. Our philosophy is simple: 'Sharing Knowledge is Power'. We hope that others can join our knowledge quest initiative for e-Learning excellence by sharing with us their thoughts, ideas, suggestions, articles, and feedback through forums, journal, polls, comments, submit news/articles, etc. As Tom Petzinger says,' Nobody is as smart as everyone.'

Warm Regards,
R&D Department
Technology Division
UNITAR Sdn Bhd "

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Organization - NCSL

NCSL is supporting schools to develop networks through which they can learn from and with each other, and find solutions to common problems. Find out more about the Networked Learning Communities programme, meet the leadership team and learn how to become a network.

Organization - ENT

Welcome to Education with New Technologies (ENT). This networked community is designed to help educators develop powerful learning experiences for students through the effective integration of new technologies.

Computers, the Internet, and other tools offer the promise of significant improvements in teaching and learning, but fulfilling that promise can be difficult. Through this ENT website, you will have access to thoughtful colleagues, interactive tools, detailed examples of technology-enhanced education, and a valuable collection of on-line resources. The site will help you navigate the expanding territory of new educational technologies with guidance from established principles for teaching and learning (e.g. Teaching for Understanding) through processes for integrating new technologies.


Organization - AEShareNet

AEShareNet is a collaborative system to streamline the licensing of intellectual property so that Australian learning materials are developed, shared and adapted efficiently.

This section of the website includes:

* Corporate information - contact details for AEShareNet Ltd, staff and board information.
* News - current news about AEShareNet.
* An historical archive - containing information relating to the establishment and development of AEShareNet.
* Background information - overviews of copyright, copyright licensing, and the VET sector.
* General website information - legal notices, copyright statements, privacy statements, accessibility information, technical credits.

Website - elearnspace by George Siemens

Welcome to elearnspace! This site is intended for users, managers, developers, and facilitators of elearning.

Many resources exist for elearning, yet a model of how the pieces fit together is often missing. elearnspace has been organized to present a whole picture view of elearning.
The site navigation is based on the graphic displayed below.

To get started, click an area of interest on the graphic, read The Whole Picture, or skim the site map. Enjoy!

This site is developed by George Siemens, an instructor at Red River College in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Academia - NIE Assistant Professor Lim Cher Ping

NIE - Assistant Professor Lim Cher Ping:

"'I have been an assistant professor of instructional science, since year 2000, at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The scope of my present appointment includes designing and coordinating education technologies (Constructivist Learning with the Internet, Designing Computer-Mediated Learning Environments, and Teaching and Learning with the Internet) modules for the Post-Graduate Diploma in Education and Master of Arts (Instructional Design Technologies) program"

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

People - John Seely Brown

John Seely Brown

In my past life as the Chief Scientist of Xerox Corporation and the Director of its Palo Alto Research Center (PARC).
I was deeply involved in the management of radical innovation and in the formation of corporate strategy and strategic positioning of Xerox as The Document Company.

Today, I'm Chief of Confusion, helping people ask the right questions, trying to make a difference through my work- speaking, writing, teaching.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Online Journal - CITE Journal

CITE Journal:

"The CITE Journal is an online, peer-reviewed journal, established and jointly sponsored by five professional associations (AMTE, AETS, NCSS-CUFA, CEE, and SITE). This is the only joint venture of this kind in the field of teacher education. Each professional association has sole responsibility for editorial review of articles in its discipline:

- Technology and Science Education (AETS)
- Technology and Mathematics Education (AMTE)
- Technology and Social Studies Education (NCSS-CUFA)
- Technology and English Education (CEE)
- Educational Technology: General (SITE)

The CITE Journal has a unique Commentary feature, which permits readers to author short responses to articles published in a commentary strand linked to the article. This feature takes advantage of an interactive medium to develop an ongoing, peer-reviewed dialog."

Friday, April 09, 2004

Online Resource - DFES

Online Library:

"Sources for e-learning
There are many sources of useful information on e-learning. Below are details of just some of the organisations where you may find research reports, publications or other papers on e-learning.

We will be updating this section of the website regularly. If you would like to suggest a website, report or paper that you feel other people would also find of interest then please forward details to "

Online Report - DfES, Consultations

DfES, Consultations:

"Towards a Unified e-learning Strategy

Launch Date 8 July 2003 Closing Date 30 January 2004

This is a consultation exercise to help us shape an e-learning strategy for all learners and potential learners and all sectors of education and training from early years through to Higher Education and lifelong learning."

Monday, April 05, 2004

Academia - Papers by Ron Oliver's at Home Page

Ron Oliver Home Page

Ron Oliver is the Foundation Professor of Interactive Multimedia at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Western Australia where he teaches in the School of Communications and Multimedia.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Articles on Online Learning

This page provides a bibliography of some important papers about online collaborative learning which have been published online and are available in full free of charge. This is a practice greatly to be encouraged! If there are others you'd like to see listed, please email details.

Monday, March 29, 2004

Website and Project - Online Collaborative Learning Project

This is a web site devoted to world's best practice in online collaborative learning in higher education, and related topics: here you'll find links to online articles, books, journals, and other relevant information. We hope that the information provided here will be of use to researchers and practitioners working in this area.

Tim Roberts
Online Collaborative Learning Project
Faculty of Informatics and Communication
Central Queensland University
Queensland 4670

Phone: +61-7-4150-7057
Fax: +61-7-4150-7090


Community - Euro CSCL

This web site serves as a community site and resource of information for practitioners (teachers), researchers and school administrators in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) field. Here you can find news and best practices from CSCL community, links to CSCL research, information about CSCL software tools and have discussions with other members of the community.

The website has been initiated by ITCOLE (Innovative Technologies for Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Building) project. The project is funded by The European Commission in the Information Society Technologies (IST) framework; IST-00-III.2 'School of Tomorrow'.

The members of the community are the authors of the website. The members may post news to the website, share their best experiences of practicing CSCL in education by posting descriptions of their school projects, propose information about different CSCL software tools and have discussions. All the news items and articles of the Idea Bank posted to the website are edited and published by the editors selected from the people actively participating in web site.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Academia - Stephen Bostock

Online documents provided by Stephen Bostock.

Need to go through it. Already download one on case study of using contructivism in higher education.

Forum and Community


Deep learning. Effective teaching. What are they and how do we achieve them? What difference can instructional technologies make? These most fundamental questions are increasingly being asked by faculty members and technological consultants in and outside the academy. They are the baseline questions this community of practice will explore, together as novices and experts. Using the experiences

This VCOP has recruiting some 20 highly qualified and enthusiastic educators from institutions throughout the U.S. and Canada to serve as its core members and is also gathering account requests from other future community members. Facilitators also developed a list of core topic areas (with related sub-topics) that will help guide the process of finalizing the community?s goals and objectives. We will be talking to a wider audience of experts next week relating to the conceptual mapping of the site. This preliminary design of the communal space will be ready for review by core members at the January meeting.

Please remember to register and login.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Website - Information Literacy Place

The Information Literacy Place

These pages are produced by Sheila Webber, who teaches at Sheffield University, and Bill Johnston, who teaches at Strathclyde University (see who we are and what these pages are for, below).

New on June 5th 2003. And now the weblog! We've created an information literacy weblog and have been adding entries for a bit more than a month, so you'll get a feel for what kinds of information and ideas we'll be putting up. Please comment, and if you want to contribute a weblog entry - just get in touch! New on May 12th 2003. I have updated the "Organisations" page and made a few updates to some other pages (e.g. events, also updated at the start of June).

Check out all resource and the weblog too!

Website - Information Literacy (Learning Teaching Resources)

This page lists organisations or resources which are useful starting points for those interested in learning and teaching. We do not aim to identify all the material that people have written to teach information literacy, but will provide a few links to descriptions of (assessed) classes which deal with information literacy in depth.

This is Sheffield's Information Studies Department's website. Check out the resources.


The Online Pedagogy Portal

Check out the resources available.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Academia - Papers from Gerry

Gerry Stahl

Here is a collection of writings on issues of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). They were written primarily by one person during the decade from 1993 to 2003, but they represent the collaborative efforts of many and reflect the current concerns of the field. They are grouped into Sections on empirical analysis, system design, theoretical framework and practical application, although they are inherently interwoven. Each was written for a particular occasion with a unique focus, but questions in one paper emerge from and anticipate ideas in others.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Resource - Source Book for Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning environments sourcebook

This book is a resource for academics and students who want to develop collaborative learning environments (or communities of practice) in which people work together to create new knowledge while learning new skills. See also the background info about the book.

Friday, March 19, 2004


Instructional Technology Forum:

"We are looking for people who want to post and discuss their ideas on ITFORUM. Papers on all topics related to instructional technology are encouraged! Papers can be either theoretical and practical in nature, including 'in progress' papers and short opinion pieces. Discussing your paper on ITFORUM is a great way to disseminate your ideas and to get feedback on your work. If you have a paper that you would like to contribute to ITFORUM, please contact Kathy Ingram "

Interesting papers for discussion!

Wednesday, March 17, 2004


Welcome to the Otter Group:

"We are dedicated to creating the best collaborative learning on the Web. With more than 15 years of experience crafting distance education programs, Otter has developed the best method for delivering powerful e-learning experiences. Our clients include Harvard University and MIT, and we have applied our system to their content, achieving terrific results. In addition, end users at corporations like Merrill Lynch have given us great feedback on their learning experiences with Otter. "
Welcome to the Otter Group:

"We are dedicated to creating the best collaborative learning on the Web. With more than 15 years of experience crafting distance education programs, Otter has developed the best method for delivering powerful e-learning experiences. Our clients include Harvard University and MIT, and we have applied our system to their content, achieving terrific results. In addition, end users at corporations like Merrill Lynch have given us great feedback on their learning experiences with Otter. "
VLS : Gateway:

"The Virtual Learning Space (VLS) is an environment dedicated to learning about Communication & Information Technology (C&IT) via collaboration."

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Corporate Figure


Marc Prensky is an internationally acclaimed speaker, writer, consultant, and designer in the critical areas of education and learning. He is the author of Digital Game-Based Learning (McGraw-Hill, 2001), the founder and CEO of Games2train (whose clients include IBM, Nokia, Pfizer, and the US Department of Defense) and creator of the sites and .

Friday, March 05, 2004


Peter Albion: "Peter Albion "

My teaching and research interests are mainly in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education. The pages linked from here include a list of courses with links outlines and resources.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Online Community Portal

eLearning Scotland - online portal serving the eLearning community:

"The eLearning Scotland portal is one of those initiatives. The portal aims to provide quick and easy access to the eLearning networks that currently exist in Scotland, helping users access the information and support they need. So start taking advantage of this service and register now!"

Wednesday, February 18, 2004


Innovative Technology for Collaborative Learning and Knowledge Building (ITCOLE) project:

"ITCOLE project focuses on developing innovative pedagogical models, design principles and technology for collaborative knowledge building to be used in European education.

The models and technology will be tested and disseminated throughout the European education landscape free of charge in order to help in building a coherent and unified network of participants that supports sharing of expertise, content, practices and tools. The ultimate goal is to build a network spearheading the use of collaborative learning technology by utilising pedagogical best practices.

The project has started on the 1st of April 2001 and it will last until 30th of June 2003. The project is funded by The European Commission in the Information Society Technologies (IST) framework; IST-00-III.2 'School of Tomorrow'"

Monday, February 09, 2004

Sunday, February 08, 2004

seed - Home

seeding cultural change in the school system through the generation of communities engaged in integrated educational and technological innovation


TECFA Seed :: Socio-constructivism for the masses
Collaborative learning environments sourcebook in Collaborative learning environments sourcebook

This is a sourcebook for academics and students who want to develop collaborative learning environments (or communities of practice) in which lecturers, students and others can work together to create new knowledge while learning new skills. Click on the links on the right to browse through the book. The book is currently in the process of being (collaboratively) developed, but already contains much useful material. Below are details of the larger project that the book is a part of.


Vivian Synteta :: Vivians island

A PhD candidate researching on eProject-Based Learning and related to TECFA.
Sensemaking in Networked Learning Environments

Dissertation Highlights

Person As Research Instrument Statement
Ethnographic Research Cycle
Hierarchy of Social Sensemaking, an Improvisation of Maslow's Hierarchy
Process of Social Sensemaking
Evaluating A Qualitative Research Proposal