Saturday, August 28, 2004

Academia - Dr. William G. (Bill) Huitt

Dr. William G. (Bill) HuittDept. of Psychology nd CounselingValdosta State UniversityValdosta, GA 31698-0001
Office: (229) 333-5613FAX: (229) 259-5576

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Resource -

This is a site which sells dissertations which have already been completed.

Academia - Agnes Kukulska-Hulme

Agnes Kukulska-Hulme
Senior Lecturer in Educational Technology

Research Current project: Case Studies in Mobile and Wireless Learning (May-November 2004), funded by JISC e-Learning and Pedagogies programme. Document about this project available from:
Other research areas:
Pedagogical usability and e-learning
Course materials delivered as e-books
Evaluation of digital video applications
Cross-cultural issues in online learning
Technology-supported language learning

[Photo of Agnes]

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Resource - The Curriculum Repository

The Curriculum Repository
Your Source for Curriculum Content and Materials

Use the Curriculum Repository to access teaching materials, such as presentations, labs, and exercises. As part of the worldwide academic community, you can freely use these materials as is or edit them to meet your educational objectives. (For more information about modifying materials, see the Curriculum Download and Usage License.) We’ll continue to add new material to the repository, and we encourage you to submit your curriculum content to share with other university faculty members.

Collaborations - Microsoft and MIT


Educational technology is a young giant, just waking up to its own immense possibilities. And now, iCampus is waking up the rest of the world, too.

Through a unique, $25 million alliance between two of the most creative forces on earth—MIT and Microsoft—iCampus is already transforming the classroom experience, overturning tired educational ideas and provoking faculty and students to acts of astonishing innovation. The revolution has just begun.