Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Institution - Oxford Brookes

Why is e-learning important at Brookes?

e-Learning is of strategic importance (MS Word 240Kb) to the achievement of this University’s mission.

We believe in the potential of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to provide wider, fairer access to higher education and to further enrich the student learning experience by enabling flexible, student-centred learning opportunities.

A key component of e-learning at Brookes is Brookes Virtual, the University’s integrated Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), currently powered by WebCT and associated technologies. Brookes Virtual adds a new dimension to the delivery of the University’s courses to campus-based and distance learners.

How big is e-learning at Brookes?

  • Over 10026 students and 398 staff in over 379 courses currently make use of Brookes Virtual.
    (Figures accurate at time of publishing: February 2004)
  • The University’s second-stage e-Learning Strategy, adopted in November 2002, underlines our commitment to and sets targets for e-learning until 2005.
  • The Information Processes and Systems Strategy (IPSS) is working to further integrate Brookes Virtual into the University’s business systems.

What about open and distance learning?

Brookes is committed to growth in the provision of flexible off-campus and blended programmes at all levels. A systematic review has been carried out of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) at Brookes to assist in guiding the expansion of the University’s ODL portfolio.

Who is involved?

e-Learning at Brookes is led by the Head of e-Learning. Key players are staff within Learning Resources (both in Computer Services and the Library, the Media Workshop, Graphics Workshop and Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development (OCSLD), as well as the e-Learning Champions and Learning Technologists within the Schools. Off-campus e-learning developments are co-ordinated by the Development Director for Off-Campus e-Learning .

Monday, February 07, 2005

Organization - ISETL

International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning

The purposes of the International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning are to encourage the study of instruction and principles of learning in order to implement practical, effective methods of teaching and learning, promote the application, development and evaluation of such methods, and foster the scholarship of teaching and learning among practicing post-secondary educators. Society members are drawn from the arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, nursing, business, education, and other disciplines and share a commitment to improving the quality of their teaching and the quality of their students' learning. ISETL is organized as a nonprofit corporation in the state of Colorado.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Academia - Gerry Stahl

Gerry's web site

Gerry Stahl
Associate Professor
College of Information Science & Technology
Rush Building -- Room 409

33rd & Market Streets (physical address)
Drexel University (map, directions)
3141 Chestnut Street (mail address)
Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
215-895-0544 (phone)
215-895-2494 (fax) (web) (email)