Saturday, March 05, 2005

Learning Technology Group (LTG) - Lancaster

The Learning Technology Group (LTG) has various roles but one of the main services we provide is developing and managing web sites to support teaching and learning. If you are involved in T&L activities at Lancaster University and want to use a web site, LTG should be able to help. We have a portfolio of web site designs that can be set up immediately and if the site is for use in your learning support or your teaching, we'll even do it for free! We currently provide several hundred web sites for many different groups throughout the university.

Most of the web sites that LTG maintain are used for teaching and are not open access. Staff and students use their LAN login and password for access to the sites from anywhere on the Internet, not just on the Lancaster University network. Access controls on LTG web sites are maintained automatically by links with the university student record database (LUSI).

All LTG web sites are 'dynamic' in the sense that new pages are created by people using a web browser, from email messages sent direct to the web site or from external databases. No special skill or special software is required to maintain them.

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