Saturday, September 10, 2005

Project - UCL Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching

UCL Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching: "The development of an accreditation framework for learning technologists

Steering group
Phases of work
Project reports

This project involved the development and piloting of an accreditation framework aimed at learning technologists. The work was undertaken for the Association for Learning Technology, through funding from JISC. (For further information, see the invitation to tender, available from the list of ALT documents.) The project is now complete.

The project involved a consortium of researchers, consisting of:

* Julia Duggleby, The Sheffield College
* Aileen Earle, Collaboranda
* Richard Francis, Oxford Brookes University
* Gwyneth Hughes, UEL
* David Jennings, DJ Alchemi Ltd
* David Kay, FDLearning
* Martin Oliver, UCL
* Rhona Sharpe, Oxford Brookes University"

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